Clip DescriptionEVIL COLLECTOR
C U S T O M*
*(The Word «Custom») under the name of a movie means this film was written, donated and shot for the customer
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«Just want to say great work on the custom! I will definitely be putting in an order for part 2.»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements
Electroshock, Agony, Twitching Body, Knocked Out, Unconscious, Carrying, Limp Body, Redressing, Crashing Head
Woman comes home from work in tight, short skirt and high heels and no stockings. She walks into her apartment with camera going up and down her body focusing on her bare legs and high heels. In the apartment a man is hiding who collects victims for sacrifice to his evil masters. He sneaks up and tazers her. She jumps from the tazer and her eyes roll up and she falls unconscious to the floor. Camera shows her lying on the floor unconscious . Camera starts at her face moving down her body and showing one of her high heels is almost falling off her bare foot. Evil guy slowly lifts her up with her head falling backward and back arched. He lifts her into her arms and she is limp in his arms with her head back, mouth partly open, arms to the sides and her high heel shoes partly dangling off and her feet limp. He proceeds to slowly walk around the apartment with her in his arms. The camera goes up and down her body from further away shots, to close focus on her hanging limp in his arms. Showing her neck and face arched back, her body, and her legs and her feet. Soon she opens her eyes a little, raises her head and sees him… then passes out again and her head flops back down. At which point one of her high heel shoes fall off and she has one barefoot foot and one with her high heel hanging on.
Evil guy walks around a little more then puts her on a table. He pulls her up the table so her head is hanging over the edge. He then removes her last high heel shoe and she is now barefoot with her red toenail polish. He then starts taking her clothes off down to her underwear. As he takes of her clothes there are lots of shots of her hanging limp in his arms and her head rolling forward and back. And him lifting her legs with her barefeet hanging limp. He then leaves her on the table in her underwear to make a phone call to his evil master. She starts to wake up and sit up. He notices and runs back and they struggle… she falls off the table and he moves over and knocks her head into the ground knocking her unconscious again. He then slowly picks her up, walks around the room with the camera showing her limp in his arms again from different angles. He places her on the bed where he puts on a white gown like the one in the picture above. He then picks her up in his arms, walks around the apartment some more and then out the door to take her away.
Clip Duration: 12 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 558.91 MB |
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